God Talks

The Journey

Friends! Hello! How are you? It’s been a thousand years four months since we’ve hung out together on the blog.

Things have been a little wild in my corner of the world recently – mainly because I haven’t spent much time in my corner of the world. But also because something small happened a few Fridays ago:

I graduated from seminary with a Masters Degree in Ministry to Women.


Photo credit: Alexa Mahan

Of course I’m joking when I say that was a small thing because it’s really huge. Not because of anything I did, but because of who God is. Because of His faithfulness and His plan. Because of His presence over the past three years of reading and research and exams and some very difficult days.

In April, I made a video walking through the past few years of seminary (a school that helps equip you to share the Good News of Jesus wherever God takes you). In it, I read excerpts from my journal. If you’ve been a blog reader for a while, you’ll know that’s a huge deal. Schaeffer doesn’t share her journal.

But I did because I wanted to encourage you to trust in the Lord with all of your heart. And I wanted to encourage myself to keep doing that, too.

When I made this video, I had no idea what was next for me. Graduation was a month away and I didn’t have a job lined up. I was set to move out of my tiny room with the cute little nook in the apartment I shared with two wonderful friends, but I didn’t know where I was going.

This video doesn’t tell you what happened next. But I’m glad I recorded this before I knew my next step because it’s honest. It’s my heart.

And I cry throughout it, so ignore that.

And while I’ll fill you in later on the details of the events only God could orchestrate, I’ll go ahead and tell you this: 30 minutes after I crossed the stage and received my degree, while I was still wearing the master’s robe with the funny sleeves (perfect for snack storage – keep that in mind), while I was standing outside of the chapel taking pictures with friends, family, and professors…I was offered a job. And now I’m living in the “what’s next” I was wondering about just a few weeks before.

In case you missed the video on Facebook, I’ll share it below.

Tell me: Are you in a season of waiting or wondering what’s next? Are you asking God for answers, but only seem to be getting static?

He’s listening, friends. Believe me, He’s listening. And He’s working behind the scenes even now.

5 thoughts on “The Journey”

  1. Oh my goodness, Anna!!! I just listened to your video and it was just what I needed to hear! Yep, just what this 61 year old needed to hear!!! Thank you for sharing your heart!!! God is using you and will continue to use you in great and mighty ways!!! I can’t wait to hear about your job offer!!! I know you are so excited for this next adventure God is taking you on!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for watching the video and for sharing your thoughts! I know I’ll be going back to those journal entries many times in the years ahead whenever I’m tempted to wonder if God is going to work things out. And thank you for your encouragement! You’re always so supportive of my blog/book/writing, and I’m grateful!


  2. Thank you, Anna, for sharing this video after all. <3 You've been an encouragement to me for years and years now (crazy to think it's been that long!) and I always appreciate how God works in my heart through you. I love memorial stones. I love looking back and tracing His handiwork. Praise God for how His timing and His plans are perfect, even when it hurts, even when it's messy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have been keeping up with each other for years and years now, haven’t we? I can honestly say you’ve been such an encouragement to me, too, and you are such a gifted writer. Thank you for reading/watching this post and all of the others :)

      I hope that one day we can actually sit together in person and talk about writing and faith and all the things we’ve chatted about over the years!

      Liked by 1 person

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